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Pacific Redwood

Frey Vineyards, along with a handful of other family owned vineyards in Mendocino County, joined CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) in 1980. From these vineyards Frey winery created the first wines in the US to be made from certified organic grapes. in 2008, fruit from over 30 certified organic grape growers was utilized to make twelve varietals of Frey organic wine. Over the years Frey Vineyards has helped many of these growers through the process of certification, helping to increase the total organic vineyard acreage in Mendocino County to over 3500 acres.

We implement mechanical cultivation in place of toxic herbicides. In place of chemical fungicides we use natural sulfur and biological controls to combat powdery mildew and botrytis bunch rot. By creating a bio-diverse farm landscape that encourages natural predators, we eliminate the need for insecticides. All of our fertility needs are generated on the farm by cover cropping and making compost.

Grass growing in vineyardCover crops are planted in the fall and tilled under in the spring using a fertilization technique known as “green manuring”. These cover crops include a variety of grasses, legumes and mustards that protect the soil from erosion, fix nitrogen into the soils and offer a habitat for many beneficial insects. The benefit of cover cropping over a period of years is apparent in the health of the soil and the quality of our vines. Cover cropping is also a form of companion planting. Mustards, for example, when grown alongside grapevines help discourage soil born nematodes that would feed on grapevine roots.

Another important organic practice involves the use of compost in the vineyard. At Frey Vineyards, we recycle all of our grape pumice back into the vineyard after it is composted with other organic ingredients including manure, old hay, and garden waste. By returning this valuable resource back to the vineyard we close our fertility loop and achieve sustainable soil management. Compost applications help maintain a healthy level of organic matter in the soil and feeds earthworms and soil microorganisms that make minerals bio-available for our vines.

Organic farming is a healthy alternative to the conventional practices of blanket chemical applications and large-scale mono-cropping. Frey Vineyards is dedicated to growing the highest quality winegrapes, which we believe can only be obtained through organic practices. It all starts with healthy soil, because only healthy soil can grow the highest quality grapes that produce the finest organic wines.

Country USA - CA
Region North Coast
Serendipity Markets California, Texas


At Frey Vineyards, we combine the best of modern winemaking with traditional winemaking methods to produce award winning 100% organic wines with no sulfites added.

Wines from Pacific Redwood

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